Thursday, October 23, 2008

What if...?

What if blog assignment.
You job is to answer each of the what ifs below. Pay attention to multiple questions in each prompt. Each answer should be a minimum of 1 paragraph. Keep in mind that 1 paragraph is at least 4 sentences.
What if...
Life would be very different if I could fly. I could go above the clouds, flying towards the sun. Soaring into the sky, going so high, I can’t even breathe. I would go towards space, until I die. If it takes burning into the sun, I would do it, just because I could.
If TV didn’t exist, the world would be thrown into pure chaos and anarchy. Without television, news and important information couldn’t reach the public as quickly. With the transition from instantaneous education to difficult retrieving of basic knowledge, humanity would be stricken with fear. With no way to obtain vital information, people will fear for their lives that enemies may attack. With the decrease in public knowledge, people will regress to barbarianism, destroying all technology, and finally becoming ignorant beasts destroying the world with terror.
If all streets were rivers, we would need more boats. All streets would be public pools, much like the lazy river, found at water parks. Transportation would be slowed, and travel would decrease. Tourist attractions would suffer from loss of money, and eventually large corporations would collapse. We would fall into a recession and everything would be inexpensive. Everyone would buy boats, once they were cheap, and rebuild our economy.
Without co-operation, people would be ignorant of others; wars would break out, from no understanding between cultures. With weapons of mass destruction being launched, the world would become infested with radiation poisoned people trying to kill each other. By co-operating, we could avoid this problem and become tolerant accepting people. Wars would continue, but at least more people would be united.
Raining cats and dogs, is a common, yet nonsensical phrase. It never rains cats and dogs. What if it really did? I think that it would be dangerous if it actually rained cats and dogs. Pet population would skyrocket, because it would be very difficult to spay and neuter that many animals. Soon cats and dogs, would take over the world, killing all humans. They would become the most dominant and intelligent creatures on Earth. Soon a war would break out and end the world! It would be much better if it just rained water.
If animals could talk, they would become intelligent. Dolphins are already beyond the intelligence of people, but if they could talk they could persuade ignorant humans to their ideas, they would become all powerful along with squirrels. One ruling the land and the other, the sea. I would like to ask animals if they like the language barriers between them and us. If they could talk, I guess it wouldn’t matter, but I wonder if our pets enjoy not being able to understand us.
If everyone wore the same clothes, basic creative control would be dead. The government would soon control other aspects of life. With limitations on the simplest form of creativity, we would all fall into the same group, with no diversity. As described in many movies and books, we would become a society with no control over ourselves, and would be slaves to society. The government would have total power over us and we would lose all distinction.
If I threw trash on the ground, it would make little difference. I am for saving the Earth, but one piece of trash makes no change. If everyone littered, however, the pollution would have an adverse effect. Littering would become common, as it was in previous years, and the pollution would hurt the earth and cause problems.
With the ability to walk on walls and ceilings, travel would be simpler. Instead of stairs, we would just crawl onto the walls outside a building and climb into where we need. It would be dangerous, though, because dangerous people could reach others easily. If an assassin were to kill someone, it would be easier to climb wall to kill their target.
I would love to be taller than trees. I could see for many miles, with no problems. Distance would be no object, if I could go fifty feet with one step. My life would be changed for better and for worse. I would be able to go miles without breaking a sweat, and I could escape problems easily. On the other hand, I couldn't go inside buildings, or many places other people can go.
With difficult transportation methods (horse, and feet the most prominent), people would simply stop traveling. People who live miles from grocery stores, would simply stop going. Businesses (Not ones in small towns) would die off. Most people would have to travel to new towns or simply die. Most of the population would die off, leaving only a fraction of its initial amount.
Living under water would be very fun. Games like football and baseball would have to be played on a three dimensional plane, allowing people to swim into what would normally be the air. School would be little changed. You would go in some new form of car (Obviously) and swim to class instead of walk. Life in general would be better, because water has the density allowing us to go anywhere into the sky (What would be the sky, because as far as we know its water all the way up).
If I found gold in my yard, I would hide it. Most likely, museums would be interested,a nd so would collectors. The gold would probably be very old, because gold hasn't been a currency in many years. The gold would hvae to be worth a high amount of money, and I want money. Greed, would grow in me and I would probably become selfish. I would like to find gold in my yard, but it would have adverse effects.
I wouldn't care to much if someone bothered me. Intelligence levels are down in society, so likely the person used bullying as a way to seem important, which obviously wouldn't be true. Bullying is just a way to protect yourself from the true pain that you feel. By hurting others, your pain seems unimportant.
I would be very unhappy if I scored low on a test (I am disappointed when I get B's, but I also dislike A-'s). My parents likely wouldn't ground me for even a C, but I would be distraught. I rarely get below B's on assignments, but scoring badly would affect my grade, which I want to be high, my GPA is also high. I would be angry with a low grade, but with honors classes It would barely harm my GPA.
Obviously, this person would not be a very good friend, but I would be very unhappy. Every time I've given something to someone, I got it back, but I still don't trust many people with my things. I would demand my things back, and if they didn't or this habit persisted, I would simply do the same. Like a hostage situation, I would demand a ransom for their items.
If every student for got their homework, I give each one chance to make it up. I don't think that there is an excuse for every single person to forget their homework. With such a turnout, I would be very unhappy.
If I were in the middle of a lake and boat leaked, I would pray like it's Armageddon. I can swim, but not quickly, and that could bcome a problem. I like being in water, but not when its deep like a lake. I would hope that the leak would be small enough that I could get as close to the edge as possible, but even then I think I would be too paralyzed with fear.
If my friend had a broken leg, I would make funny jokes on his cast, so any time he is sad, he could read a joke and be happy. I would also make jokes about having a broken leg, to liven the situation. If my friend couldn't even walk on it, I would help him get around for two reasons. One is that I would be helping a friend and the other is that I may get rewarded for my kindness.
If I woke up in another country and no one could understand me, I would probably have a heart attack. Not only was a probably kidnapped, but they took me somewhere that I can't even talk. I could be in Germany or Asia, and I wouldn't even know. It would be difficult to idenify the kidnappers, because even if they confessed, I wouldn't know it.
If I ordered an ice cream and forgot money, I would be very upset with myself. Not only did I get as far as deciding to get ice cream, but I already ordered it and can see the melting ice cream drip from the cone. To reach inside your pocket and have no money, would disappoint me because the teat is being dabgled in front of my face, yet it would be unreachable.
I would tell them to move, and if they didn't I would make their movie experience horrible, Since they went in front of me, I would go to the same movie, because I would know where they were. I would order popcorn and consistently throw it at them. I would sit behind them and kick their chair. Just to really get under their skin, I would yell at the screen and say things like, "Oh my God! Watch this part!" and "I bet someone's going to die!"
I would allow my friend to eat the hot dog if only one were left. I personally don't like hot dogs, so it would not be a sacrifice. If my friend didn't want it, I would feed it to a bear. If the bear did not like hot dogs, there would be no choice but to eat it myself.
I would only be unhappy if my friends didn't invite me to the movies if it were a movie I didn't want to see. I am a tough critic with movies and my friends know that. If I want to see a movie, I will tell them. If I think a movie looks terrible, I'll say that too. I still wouldn't be too unhappy if my friends didn't invite me, because I rarely even go to the movies, myself.
I would keep the present for a long time, until the person forgot where it came from. I would then return it for any type of exchange. Then (Because I wouldn't invite anyone to any party or anything like that that wouldn't know what I like) I would buy that person a terrible gift, that would be so unbelivably unfit, that they would be forced to confess their hatred of the gift. Then I could reverse the situation and make them look like a bad person. Just when the guilt settles, I would confess my plan to them.
My parents would be very angry, because I would need to feed my pet. My pet may get angry and not want to play with me. I would be very disappointed in myself, for neglecting a responsibility that I have, that is of high priority, because my pets may die, if they don't have food for a long time.
I would tell them that the joke isn't funny and help them achieve a better punchline. If the joke was exceptionally dry, beyond repair, I would tell them a joke to use. Many jokes devised by people (Not the old ones that actually are funny, but the puns that people devise on the spot hoping to achieve at least a chuckle) are not funny, and sometimes it is best to let them go, and tell the joke to people with a similar, nonexistant, sense of humor.
If someone I wanted to be friends with spoke no English, I would try my best to break the language barriers. It would be very difficult, and probably would not leave me with any results, but I would try. I think that the simplest, yet most annoying answer would be an interpreter, but conversations would last twice as long and it would be a waste of the interpreter's time.

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